If you feel tears streaming down your cheeks, let them cry. Let your tears flow to your system. Let them clear the darkness and lead you on the road to cooling.
In your suffering add understanding, patience, love, openness, and a willingness to stay in danger.
Grief is scary, painful, depressing, and sometimes lonely, yet in a way and sometimes the only way to feel a deep sense of love, joy and peace. Your grief is yours alone, but it is connected within everyone and everything in this place.
. This too will pass. This situation is not your last resort, and something good is happening right now in your place.
A truly sad ending is the gateway to a brand new beginning. Are things really ending? Open your heart to what you can and cannot see.
Some questions have no answers, and in those questions, the answer is: love.
A broken heart does not mean a broken heart. Cracks are there to let light in.
"Let your tears come. Let them water your soul." —Eileen Mayhew
Life as you know it (as a human being on earth) will end one day, but love does not end. And where there is love, there is life.